(H.S.A.A. rules will apply except for the differences listed below.)

1. Game Timing: Two 20-minute halves with a running clock. The last two minutes of each half, the clock shall stop on all dead ball situations. The tournament director only has the option to change the time for warm ups and half time to get games caught up. If there is more than a twenty-five [25] point spread in a game, both coaches must agree to waive the stop clock during the last two minutes.

Overtime: There will be one 2 minute overtime in all games ending in a tie with each team receiving one time out for the overtime (teams may not carry-over any timeouts). The clock will stop for all dead ball situations during overtime.

Double Overtime: Games will be decided by sudden death, meaning the team who scores the first point (does not have to be a basket, it can be a free throw) will have won the game. Again, teams will be awarded one time out with no carry-overs.

*Overtime at Single Elimination Tournaments and AYBT Nationals: For the single elimination tournament only, there will be NO sudden death overtimes. There will be a 2-minute overtime until a winner is decided.

2. Fouls: Free throws will be shot on the 10th team foul in each half.

Technical Fouls/Intentional Fouls/Flagrant Fouls: will not be shot, 2 points will be awarded to the other team along with possession of the ball. *Any individual given a second technical foul will be removed from the gym. That individual will receive a one game suspension for their next scheduled game.

3. Time-Outs: Each team has two 30-second time-out per half, with no carry-overs. Overtime Time-Outs: Each team is given one time out for every overtime, no carry-overs.

4. Restrictions: All defenses and offenses are allowed. However, coaches need to pull their full court or half court press if ahead by twenty [20] points or more. All trapping defenses are considered a press, either half court or full court.

5. Equal Play at DSEs – 60/40 Philosophy: The 60/40 playing rule suggests that all players receive between forty to sixty percent of the playing time over the entire event or national. Please rotate your players according to our equal play philosophy.

Equal Play at Nationals: At AYBT Single Elimination Tournaments and the National Tournament, coaches are encouraged to play all players but it is NOT required.

6. Timekeepers and Scorekeepers: Each team will be required to provide one responsible adult scorekeeper per game. Home team keeps the official book at the designated location, and the visiting team operates the clock/scoreboard.

7. Game Ball: The home team provides the game ball. Boy’s 3rd, 4th, 5th grade division uses the 28.5 ball.


(Spectator Admission fees will be charged at all Events and Nationals. Please check the Event link on our web site to view each Event’s admission policy.)

1. Admission Fees at Door: Spectators will be charged a fee before entering a facility. One [1] head coach, one [1] assistant coach listed on the roster, all players listed on the roster, plus one [1] scorekeeper/ timekeeper will receive free admission.

2. Required Equipment: Coaches will need to bring practice balls, game ball, and first aid kit to all games.

3. Uniforms: Similar jersey tops or Tee Shirts with a minimum of a 6-inch number on the back. Reversible jerseys are preferred and each team should be prepared to play with light or dark uniforms. Matching shorts are not required, but encouraged.

4. Coaches Packet: Coaches are encouraged to keep an envelope with a copy of each player’s birth certificate, grade verification [example: school ID or report card showing school name], player’s name and current grade, and have all signatures on the AYBT waiver forms and the “Permission to Treat” form. While this is not mandatory at the DSE’s (except for the waivers and “Permission to Treat” forms), it is mandatory at all AYBT Single Elimination Events and National Tournaments.

5. Permission to Treat Form: This form must be readily available during competition and have all players listed with required signatures. This form is obtained from the Coaches’ Link and is automatically generated when the coach/assistant coach/parent contact either creates or makes additions/subtractions to the team’s roster.

6. All photographs, videos, and digital images taken at any AYBT event by AYBT personnel or their assignees are the property of AYBT and can be used for any promotional or marketing purposes of the AYBT.


1. Grade Divisions: For all AYBT Summer Events, players’ grades are based on the grade leaving, not based on what grade the player is going into. Coaches’ can elect for their team to play up a grade division during the Events and play in their correct grade divisions at Nationals.

2. At AYBT Events, individual grade divisions sometimes may be grouped to form combined divisions. For example, the Boy’s 6th grade division may be combined with the Boy’s 7th grade division (forming a combined 6th-7th grade division), unless there are enough teams to separate the respective divisions. Also, at Events, Girls individual divisions may be grouped to form combined divisions. Girls are NOT allowed to play on boys’ teams, unless approved by the event director. 12th Graders may play on 10th-11th grade teams during regular Events and Special Events. However, a maximum of (2) 12th graders may play on AYBT teams at our National tournaments, unless there is a separate 12th grade division.

3. Skill Levels: A team’s coach and the District Director determine skill level for the team. Teams are Highly Skilled (HS) Level A or Level 1, Good (G) Level B or Level 2, and Average (A) Level C or Level 3. Teams that hold tryouts, make cuts based on skill, select players by skill or any similar selection process, must rate themselves as Highly Skilled or Level A. Unless approved by your district director, if your team is a “Select” team and has 3 or more schools represented on your roster, your team MUST select Highly Skilled or Level A. Whenever possible, teams are scheduled to play other teams of similar skill level.


1. Age/Grade: AYBT is a grade-based organization; however we do have an age maximum for each grade [See Age/Grade Calculator link]. Players’ are allowed to play up grade divisions, but not play down a grade division.

2. Playing on more than one AYBT team: Players’ may participate on more than one AYBT team, even if both teams are playing in the same DSE. However, at the AYBT National Tournament, players must choose one roster at registration and play for only one team during the single elimination tournament.

3. Team Roster: Coaches/Assistant Coaches/Parent Contacts can manage their roster online from the Coaches’ Link on our web site. Coaches are responsible to update their rosters before playing in their assigned Event. When you update your team roster, an updated “Permission to Treat” form for your team is generated. Keep your old “Permission to Treat” form and obtain the required signatures for any addition(s) to your team.

4. Protests: Protests will not apply to any DSE round robin games or Pool Play games. Protests during the single elimination tournament at Nationals must be brought up at the time it happens (discovery) to the Building Manager, whose ruling is final. All protests are $100 and are non refundable.


(Changing Grade Division, Skill Level, Event/National Selection, Contact Information, Team Roster)

1. Contact District Director: Although the web site is highly recommended when making a change, teams should contact their district director to request a change.

2. Scheduling Requests: Scheduling requests for games at Events are not guaranteed, but may be taken into consideration. *Any scheduling request must be submitted in an email at least one [1] week prior to the event. Teams are expected to play all of their scheduled games.


1. Coaches, parents and fans are expected to create a team environment in which primary emphasis is placed upon the emotional and physical well-being and skill improvement of the players, rather than winning. Coaches, parents and fans should lead by example and demonstrate the value of fair play and exemplary sportsmanship to all participants.

2. Poor Behavior: Poor behavior by teams, players, parents, coaches and spectators will result in the team, coach, or player being disqualified from the remaining portion of the Event, without a refund or recourse.